Members of The Bulloch County Republican Party requested a written opinion regarding their bylaws. The written opinion is attached here and a video overview was also prepared and the link is below.
CLICK HERE TO See the overview of the parliamentary opinion here
Do you know that Sarah Thompson misrepresented herself as the authority of the Bulloch county republican party? Did you know that the party did not actually request this, but she requested it on her own? What would parliamentarian say about that?
If you look at the written opinion, which was made available on this website, the heading says “Parliamentary Opinion Prepared For Sarah E. Thompson”. If it was requested by the County Party it would says “Prepared for the County Party”, and so on. So yes, I know that she requested it on her own, and so does everyone who actually reads it. She never did claim to be requesting it on behalf of the party.
That does not change anything about the correctness of the opinion.
Any concerned member has the right to consult a parliamentarian regarding their organization. And that is what a parliamentarian would say about it.