Services Offered

Kirby Glad, PRP, offers services for the chair of the meeting, for the organization and committees, and for the members of the assembly.

Services for the chair 

The duty of the parliamentarian of a meeting is to make the chair look good! A well-run meeting is more productive and pleasant for the chair and for all participants alike. This is achieved by careful preparation before the meeting, and by providing confidence and credibility for the chair. Services as the meeting parliamentarian include:

Preparation of a script for the chair with the verbiage of anticipated proceedings and motions

Meeting with the chair in advance of the meeting to review the script, answer questions, and review any anticipated problems during the meeting

Review of governing documents and special rules—preparation to advise the chair on any motions that may be in conflict or any rules in the documents that govern the meeting

Advising the chair on any procedures, rulings, or motions as required, and provide specific references to Robert’s Rules if required

Explaining parliamentary rules to the body if requested to do so by the chair

Being on hand to answer questions and explain parliamentary procedures to members of the body if this duty does not conflict with the above

Services for the organization or committees

The duty of the parliamentarian for the organization is to help you prevent future parliamentary problems or resolve current ones. Such services include:

Written parliamentary opinions if required, such as interpreting bylaws or resolving unusual situations

Advisement on drafting of amendments to governing documents, resolutions, and motions, if required

Training for time keepers, committee chairs, vote tellers, or others who play a parliamentary role in the meeting.

Review of resolutions or other formal motions submitted in advance of the meeting to ensure they are in order.

Services for members of the assembly

The duty of the parliamentarian is to help you be effective in your meetings! Using the proper procedure will help you navigate the parliamentary process and help you to be effective in achieving your desired outcomes. This is done by careful preparation before the meeting, and by providing confidence and credibility for you as a participant. Services include

Being on hand to answer questions and explain parliamentary procedures as the meeting unfolds

Review of resolutions or other formal motions submitted in advance of the meeting

Preparation of a script for the member with the verbiage of anticipated proceedings and motions

Written parliamentary opinions if required to support your position

Review of governing documents—prepare to advise the member on any motions that may be in conflict or any rules in the documents that govern the meeting.